Some Younger Primary 2 Students Enjoyed Tracing the Sandpaper Numbers

Apr 19, 2018

At Community Christian Academy & Preschool, we believe in providing our students with engaging and enriching educational experiences. One such activity that our younger Primary 2 students recently enjoyed was tracing the sandpaper numbers and practicing writing them on a chalkboard.

Enhancing Numeracy Skills through Tactile Learning

Learning numeracy skills is a crucial foundation for academic success. To make this learning process more interactive and multisensory, our dedicated teachers introduced sandpaper numbers to the younger Primary 2 students. These sandpaper numbers provide a tactile experience, allowing our students to not only see but also feel the shape of each number.

By tracing these sandpaper numbers with their fingers, the students engage their sense of touch, which enhances their understanding of numerals and helps establish a strong connection between visual and tactile information. This approach proves to be highly effective in cementing the fundamental concepts of numeracy.

Practicing Writing on a Chalkboard

In addition to tracing the sandpaper numbers, our Primary 2 students also practiced writing these numbers on a chalkboard. This activity further strengthens their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It allows them to apply what they have learned from the tactile experience and put it into practice using traditional writing tools.

Writing on a chalkboard offers a level of novelty and nostalgia that captivates our students' attention. The sound of chalk against the board, the feel of the chalk in their hand, and the visual observation of their own progress all contribute to a well-rounded learning experience.

The Importance of Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning experiences, such as tracing sandpaper numbers and writing on a chalkboard, play a significant role in early childhood education. These activities foster a deeper level of engagement, promote sensory awareness, and offer opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Through tactile learning, our younger Primary 2 students develop fine motor skills, heightened sensory perception, and a sense of accomplishment as they conquer new challenges. These skills form a solid foundation for future academic pursuits and build confidence within our students.

Preparing Students for Future Success

At Community Christian Academy & Preschool, we strive to provide our students with a comprehensive education that goes beyond traditional classroom instruction. By incorporating hands-on activities into our curriculum, we prepare our students for future success by nurturing their holistic development.

Our dedicated teachers continue to explore innovative teaching methods, ensuring that our students receive a well-rounded education that maximizes their potential. Tracing sandpaper numbers and writing on a chalkboard are just some of the many activities we offer to foster a love for learning and develop essential skills in our students.

Join us at Community Christian Academy & Preschool as we empower young minds, create lifelong learners, and make a positive impact on the educational journey of each student.


The journey of learning numeracy skills can be both exciting and memorable when approached through hands-on activities like tracing sandpaper numbers and practicing writing on a chalkboard. At Community Christian Academy & Preschool, we ensure our younger Primary 2 students have every opportunity to explore, discover, and grow.