From Moses to Marlee: Celebrating Jews with Disabilities and Diverse Identities through Conversation, Creativity, and Music

Dec 7, 2022

Welcome to the exciting event, "From Moses to Marlee: Celebrating Jews with Disabilities and Diverse Identities through Conversation, Creativity, and Music," organized by Community Christian Academy & Preschoo. This event aims to promote inclusivity, celebrate diversity, and shed light on the challenges faced by Jews with disabilities within our community.

Keynote Speaker: Matan Koch, Esq.

Matan Koch, an accomplished lawyer, activist, and advocate for disability rights, will lead the discussion on the importance of inclusivity and acceptance for Jews with disabilities. With his vast experience and strong commitment, Matan has been at the forefront of shaping policies and initiatives that grant equal opportunities to individuals with disabilities.


Aaron Seglin - Championing Equal Rights

Aaron Seglin is an inspirational advocate for equal rights within the Jewish community. As someone who has personally experienced the challenges associated with living with a disability, Aaron overcame these obstacles and has dedicated his life to empowering others. Aaron will share his story of resilience, showcasing the incredible achievements possible when barriers are broken down.

Eric Ascher - Amplifying Voices

Eric Ascher, a revered disability rights activist, will address the importance of amplifying the voices of Jews with diverse identities. Eric's work revolves around breaking the stigma and stereotypes surrounding disabilities, helping to foster a more inclusive and accepting community. His insights will shed light on the power of representation and the significance of providing platforms for marginalized groups within our society.

Jen Fink - Celebrating Creative Expression

Jen Fink, a multi-talented artist and advocate for creative expression, will discuss the role of creativity in empowering individuals with disabilities. Through her art, Jen explores the intersections of disability, identity, and faith, fostering understanding and initiating meaningful conversations. Join her as she shares her journey and highlights the transformative impact of embracing diverse talents and perspectives.

Join Us for a Thought-Provoking Experience

By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a thought-provoking experience that encourages dialogue, empathy, and understanding. Through conversation, creativity, and music, we aim to contribute to the ongoing process of building an inclusive society where every individual is valued and celebrated.

  • Expand your knowledge on disability rights within the Jewish community
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with experienced speakers and fellow attendees
  • Explore the power of creativity and music as tools for social change
  • Discover practical ways to promote inclusivity and support individuals with disabilities

Event Details

Date: February 11, 2021

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Location: Community Christian Academy & Preschoo

Address: [Insert Address]

Register Now

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be a part of a meaningful conversation and celebration of Jews with disabilities and diverse identities. Reserve your spot by registering online at [Insert Registration Link]. Limited seats are available, so make sure to secure your place in advance.

Join Our Inclusive Community

Community Christian Academy & Preschoo is dedicated to fostering inclusivity, acceptance, and an understanding of diverse identities within the Jewish community. As an organization, we continuously strive to create safe spaces for all individuals, regardless of their abilities. By joining our community, you become part of a larger movement that promotes equality and celebrates the unique gifts each person brings.

We look forward to welcoming you to "From Moses to Marlee: Celebrating Jews with Disabilities and Diverse Identities through Conversation, Creativity, and Music." Together, let's ignite change and build a more inclusive future.