Uncovering our Local History: A Three-Part Immersive Series Examining Racism and Antisemitism in Scotch Plains and Fanwood - Part 1 - Immersive Tour - Black History in Scotch Plains and Fanwood

May 26, 2019


Welcome to Community Christian Academy & Preschool's immersive series entitled "Uncovering our Local History: A Three-Part Immersive Series Examining Racism and Antisemitism in Scotch Plains and Fanwood." In this first part, we delve into the rich and complex history of Scotch Plains and Fanwood, with special emphasis on black history in the community. Join us on an eye-opening journey as we explore the roots of racism and antisemitism, aiming to understand and move forward as a united community.

Why Focus on Black History in Scotch Plains and Fanwood?

Black history plays a vital role in the narrative of Scotch Plains and Fanwood. By shining a light on the struggles and achievements of black individuals in our community, we aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of their contributions to the local history. It is essential to acknowledge and confront the dark chapters of racism in order to build a more equitable future.

Immersive Tour: Exploring Black History in Scotch Plains and Fanwood

Our immersive tour invites you to walk in the footsteps of those who shaped the black history of Scotch Plains and Fanwood. Led by experienced guides, the tour takes you through historical landmarks, local sites, and significant points of interest. Gain firsthand insight into the challenges faced by African Americans and the remarkable stories of resilience and triumph that emerged from the community.

What to Expect

1. Historical Context

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical context within which Scotch Plains and Fanwood developed. Explore the impact of slavery, segregation, and systemic racism on the black community and their ongoing fight for equality. Engage in thought-provoking discussions and examine primary sources that provide insight into the experiences of black individuals in the community.

2. Significant Landmarks

Visit important landmarks that serve as touchstones for black history in Scotch Plains and Fanwood. From historically significant buildings to commemorative monuments, we'll explore the physical spaces that hold powerful stories of struggle and progress. Hear personal narratives and learn how these sites have contributed to the overarching narrative of black history in our community.

3. Personal Stories

Black history is not just a collection of facts; it is also a tapestry of personal stories that must be heard. Meet individuals from the community who experienced racism and triumphed over adversity, often becoming beacons of hope and inspiration for future generations. Their stories will leave a lasting impact on your understanding of the community's journey.

4. Interactive Activities

Engage in hands-on activities designed to deepen your understanding of the challenges faced by the black community. Through multimedia presentations, reenactments, and experiential learning, you'll gain a visceral understanding of the struggles and achievements that shape Scotch Plains and Fanwood's black history.


By participating in this immersive tour and series, you are taking an important step towards a better future. We believe that confronting the past and gaining a thorough understanding of the struggles faced by marginalized communities is crucial for progress. Join Community Christian Academy & Preschool in uncovering our local history, as we strive to foster unity, empathy, and inclusivity within Scotch Plains and Fanwood.