Welcome to Sukkot at JCC of Central New Jersey!

May 17, 2022
Swim Lesson Special

Join us for a Joyous Celebration!

At JCC of Central New Jersey, we are excited to invite you to our annual Sukkot celebration! Sukkot is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the forty-year period during which the Israelites wandered in the desert, living in temporary shelters. It is a time of joy, gratitude, and community, and we have planned a variety of activities and events for all ages to enjoy!

Discover the Traditions and Significance of Sukkot

Sukkot holds deep cultural and religious significance within the Jewish faith. It is a time to remember and appreciate the challenges faced by our ancestors as they journeyed towards freedom. The holiday also celebrates the harvest season and offers an opportunity to express gratitude for the abundance of the earth.

Throughout Sukkot, we construct temporary outdoor structures called sukkahs, which are adorned with branches, fruits, and decorations. These sukkahs symbolize the shelters our ancestors lived in during their journey and serve as a reminder of our connection to nature and the world around us.

Exciting Events and Activities

Building Your Own Sukkah

Join us for a hands-on workshop where you can learn to build your own sukkah! Our knowledgeable instructors will guide you through the process, sharing the significance and traditions associated with Sukkot. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and create a beautiful sukkah for you and your family to enjoy throughout the holiday.

Arts and Crafts

Let your creativity shine with our Sukkot-themed arts and crafts activities. From designing and decorating your own lulav and etrog, to creating colorful paper chains and banners, there will be plenty of opportunities to express yourself artistically and embrace the festive spirit of Sukkot.

Sukkot Feast

Indulge in a delicious Sukkot feast, where you can savor traditional holiday dishes and mingle with fellow community members. Our talented chefs will prepare a variety of mouthwatering meals that showcase the flavors of Sukkot. Come with an empty stomach and enjoy a memorable culinary experience!

Family-friendly Entertainment

We have planned a range of family-friendly entertainment options to keep everyone engaged and entertained during Sukkot. From live music performances and storytelling sessions to interactive games and puppet shows, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Create lasting memories with your loved ones as you celebrate this special holiday together.

Sukkot Workshops and Lectures

Expand your knowledge of Sukkot through our informative workshops and lectures. Join renowned scholars and experts as they delve into the history, customs, and spiritual aspects of Sukkot. Gain a deeper understanding of this meaningful holiday and find inspiration for personal reflection and growth.

Join Us for Sukkot at JCC of Central New Jersey

Experience the joy and warmth of Sukkot at the JCC of Central New Jersey. Our commitment to fostering a strong sense of community and celebrating diversity is at the heart of all our events and activities. Come and create lasting memories as you connect with others, learn about Sukkot, and embrace the spirit of this special holiday.

If you would like more information about our Sukkot celebration, please visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to this joyous occasion!

Bp Misra
Sounds like an amazing celebration of Sukkot at JCC of Central New Jersey! 😍 Can't wait to be a part of the festivities and experience the joy and sense of unity this holiday brings. Embracing the spirit of Sukkot with the community is such a heartwarming experience! πŸŒΏπŸŒŸπŸŽ‰
Nov 12, 2023
Sounds like a wonderful event celebrating Sukkot at JCC of Central New Jersey! Excited to join in the festivities and embrace the spirit of joy and community.
Oct 14, 2023