Welcome to Community Christian Academy & Preschoo

Nov 29, 2018
Swim Lesson Special

2018 Theme Day Calendar - Fostering Faith and Beliefs

At Community Christian Academy & Preschoo, we take pride in providing a nurturing environment where faith and beliefs are celebrated and fostered. Our 2018 Theme Day Calendar is designed to engage our students in learning and exploration, while instilling values and knowledge that will last a lifetime.

January: World Cultural Day

Let's kick off the year with our World Cultural Day, where we embark on a journey to explore different cultures around the world. Through interactive activities, students will discover the beauty of diversity, understand different traditions and appreciate the richness of our global community.

February: Love and Kindness Week

During Love and Kindness Week, we emphasize the importance of empathy, compassion, and spreading love to others. Through various projects and acts of kindness, students will learn about the power of positive relationships, fostering a caring and supportive community within our school.

March: Science and Discovery Month

Science and Discovery Month is all about igniting curiosity and nurturing young minds. From hands-on experiments to exciting field trips, students will explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Let their imagination soar as they uncover the mysteries of the world around them.

April: Earth Day Celebration

At Community Christian Academy & Preschoo, we believe in the importance of environmental stewardship. Our Earth Day Celebration is a time to inspire students to protect and preserve our planet. Through engaging activities such as gardening, recycling projects, and nature walks, we encourage a sense of responsibility towards our environment.

May: Imagination and Creativity Week

During Imagination and Creativity Week, we encourage our students to let their imaginations run wild. Through art, music, drama, and storytelling, we foster creative thinking, self-expression, and problem-solving skills. Join us as we celebrate the power of imagination.

June: Sports and Fitness Month

Get ready for an action-packed month as we focus on sports and fitness. Our students will participate in various physical activities, team-building exercises, and friendly competitions. We promote the importance of an active lifestyle, teamwork, and perseverance.

July: Community Service Week

Community Service Week is a time to make a difference in the lives of others. Our students will engage in volunteer projects, community outreach, and acts of service. By giving back to the community, we teach the value of compassion and the importance of making a positive impact.

August: Back to School Fest

As summer comes to an end, we welcome our students and families with our Back to School Fest. It's a day full of excitement, games, and interactive activities that bring our school community together. Join us as we kick off another year of learning and growth.

September: Literacy Month

Literacy Month is dedicated to cultivating a love for reading and developing strong literacy skills. Our students will engage in storytelling, book clubs, and writing activities, fostering a lifelong passion for learning and a solid foundation in literacy.

October: Harvest Festival

Join us for a festive celebration of the harvest season. Our Harvest Festival brings together families, friends, and the wider community for a day of fun-filled activities, pumpkin carving, hayrides, and delicious treats. Experience the joy of togetherness and the bounty of our blessings.

November: Gratitude and Giving Month

During Gratitude and Giving Month, we reflect on the importance of gratitude and cultivating a giving spirit. Our students will participate in gratitude projects, food drives, and acts of kindness, learning the value of appreciation and making a positive impact on others.

December: Christmas Around the World

Let's end the year with a celebration of Christmas traditions from around the world. Our students will learn about different customs, holiday stories, and festive traditions. Through art, music, and cultural activities, we embrace the spirit of Christmas and the joy of sharing with others.

Join the Community Christian Academy & Preschoo Family

Discover a nurturing community where faith, beliefs, and values are celebrated. At Community Christian Academy & Preschoo, our dedicated educators foster a love for learning and provide an enriching educational experience. Join us in shaping compassionate and knowledgeable individuals who will make a positive impact in the world.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about our programs and how to enroll your child, contact us today. We look forward to welcoming you into our loving community.

Keywords: 2018 Theme Day Calendar, Community Christian Academy & Preschoo, Faith and Beliefs, Fostering faith, Calendar of events, School activities, Nurturing environment, Global community, Science and Discovery, Earth Day, Imagination and Creativity, Sports and Fitness, Community Service, Literacy Month, Harvest Festival, Gratitude and Giving, Christmas Around the World

Anoop Pete
This is a wonderful initiative! It's great to see a school that prioritizes celebrating faith and beliefs. Looking forward to the upcoming themes!
Oct 11, 2023