Mrs. Corey Small - Oak Hill Academy

Jun 28, 2021

About Mrs. Corey Small

Mrs. Corey Small is a highly respected educator and a key member of the teaching staff at Oak Hill Academy, affiliated with the renowned Community Christian Academy & Preschool. With her exceptional teaching abilities and passion for nurturing young minds, Mrs. Small has made a significant impact on the lives of countless students.

Experience and Expertise

With over 15 years of experience in early childhood education, Mrs. Corey Small possesses the knowledge and skills needed to provide the best possible learning environment for her students. Her dedication to education is reflected in her continued professional development and commitment to staying updated with the latest teaching methodologies and practices.

Mrs. Small strongly believes in the power of personalized learning and understands that each child has unique strengths and abilities. She uses this understanding to create a dynamic and engaging classroom experience, fostering a love for learning in her young students.

The Importance of Early Education

Early childhood education plays a crucial role in a child’s overall development. Mrs. Small recognizes this significance and strives to make a positive impact on her students' lives during their formative years. By providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment, she fosters social, emotional, and cognitive growth.

Through play-based activities, interactive lessons, and hands-on experiences, Mrs. Corey Small creates an atmosphere where children can explore their natural curiosity, develop problem-solving skills, and build a strong foundation for future success in school and beyond.

Teaching Philosophy

Mrs. Small believes in a holistic approach to education, encompassing not only academic growth but also character development and spiritual enrichment. At Oak Hill Academy, part of the Community Christian Academy & Preschool, she works closely with parents and the school community to instill integrity, empathy, and a strong moral compass in her students.

Using a blend of traditional teaching methods and innovative techniques, Mrs. Small encourages her students to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop a lifelong love for learning. By combining educational excellence with a nurturing and supportive classroom environment, she helps children build self-confidence and reach their full potential.

Dedication to Student Success

Mrs. Corey Small's commitment to her students goes beyond the classroom. She recognizes the importance of building strong connections with families, fostering open communication, and nurturing a sense of community.

Through regular progress updates, parent-teacher conferences, and collaborative projects, Mrs. Small ensures that parents are actively involved in their child's education. By working together as a team, she lays the foundation for a successful partnership between home and school, ultimately leading to enhanced student outcomes.

Join Our Community

If you are looking for a caring and dedicated teacher who will provide your child with a nurturing educational experience, you can trust Mrs. Corey Small at Oak Hill Academy, part of the esteemed Community Christian Academy & Preschool. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and enroll your child in our community-focused establishment.

Jennifer Atwood
Mrs. Corey Small truly embodies the meaning of an impressive educator. 👏 Her extensive experience and expertise have undoubtedly shaped the lives of many young minds at Oak Hill Academy. 🎓 She is a true inspiration! 💡
Nov 11, 2023
Carolyn Sullivan
Impressive educator
Oct 5, 2023