What's the BUZZ about BizTown?

Oct 12, 2018


Welcome to the exciting world of BizTown at Oak Hill Academy, part of Community Christian Academy & Preschool. BizTown is a unique educational program that provides children with real-world entrepreneurial experience, allowing them to unleash their creativity, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a strong work ethic. Let us take you on a journey to explore the buzz surrounding this remarkable venture!

What is BizTown?

BizTown is an innovative concept designed to introduce elementary and middle school students to the world of business and economics. It features a fully-operational, kid-sized city where students have the opportunity to take on the roles of business leaders, employees, consumers, and citizens. This hands-on, immersive experience empowers young minds to understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and financial literacy in a fun and interactive way.

Benefits of BizTown

The BizTown program offers a multitude of benefits for students, parents, and the community as a whole:

  • Hands-on Learning: BizTown provides a unique learning environment where students can apply classroom knowledge to real-life situations. It enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
  • Financial Literacy: By actively participating in various business activities, students gain a deeper understanding of financial concepts such as budgeting, managing money, and making informed financial choices.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: BizTown fosters teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication skills. Students work together to achieve common goals and experience the importance of cooperation in the business world.
  • Citizenship Skills: Through their roles as citizens, students learn about civic responsibilities, community engagement, and the impact of their actions on the overall well-being of the society.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: BizTown ignites the entrepreneurial spirit within young individuals, encouraging creativity, innovation, and a drive to succeed in the ever-evolving business landscape.
  • Impact on the Community: The BizTown program creates a positive impact on the community by fostering a new generation of responsible and socially-conscious leaders who understand the importance of ethical business practices.

The BizTown Curriculum

The carefully crafted curriculum at BizTown is designed to align with educational standards while offering engaging and practical experiences. Throughout their journey in BizTown, students will:

  1. Explore Different Industries: Students will have the opportunity to discover various industries and businesses, gaining exposure to different career paths and potential areas of interest.
  2. Develop Business Plans: As budding entrepreneurs, students will learn how to develop and execute business plans, understanding the importance of strategy, market research, and adapting to changing business environments.
  3. Manage Finances: Budgeting, financial planning, and managing resources are crucial aspects covered in the BizTown curriculum. Students will gain practical skills in money management and learn to make informed financial decisions.
  4. Workforce Experience: Through role-playing, students get hands-on experience in various jobs, simulating real-world work environments and developing a sense of professionalism and responsibility.
  5. Customer Service: Students will understand the importance of excellent customer service and acquire skills to provide exceptional experiences to customers, building valuable relationships along the way.
  6. Business Ethics: BizTown places great emphasis on ethical business practices, fostering integrity, honesty, and responsibility among students.

Success Stories

BizTown's impact can be seen through numerous success stories of past participants. Students who have experienced BizTown have gone on to achieve great accomplishments in their personal and professional lives, utilizing the skills and values gained during their time in the program. These success stories serve as testimonials to the long-lasting impact of BizTown and its ability to shape the leaders of tomorrow.

Join Us and Make a Positive Impact

If you want your child to be part of a transformative and educational experience, join us at Oak Hill Academy and enroll them in the BizTown program. Together, we can empower young minds, cultivate a passion for learning, and make a positive impact not just in their lives but also in our community.

Experience the buzz about BizTown at Oak Hill Academy. Unlock the potential of your child's future by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive world. Contact us today to learn more about our admission process and how your child can become a part of this remarkable journey!

Thomas Honiball
Sounds like a blast! 🎉
Nov 12, 2023
Faye Chu
I'm inspired to visit!
Nov 8, 2023